July 2, 2015 | No Comments |
Medical Xpress overviewed a new study published online in the Journal Population and Development Review that looks at who is providing the care for patients and who they are caring for. This is believed to be one of the first break downs of unpaid caregivers in the United States by both gender and age of caregivers.
The study found that collectively, about 1.2 billion hours of unpaid work were done weekly, which is equal to about 30.5 million full-time care aides. It also found that almost one-third of the U.S. population are informal caregivers.
HopeLink allows individuals and families to choose for themselves who will take care of them or their loved ones, and our goal is to help people receiving services through the Indiana Medicaid Waiver program create strong connections with their families and communities in order to achieve the greatest quality of life. We want to provide support and guidance to those unpaid caregivers out there who are truly the heart of services.
To read the full article on the study, click here